- Our school app is available for download in the Apple and Google Play stores under the name “Unit Seven Schools.” With it you can access information in a mobile-friendly format and choose to receive notifications from East, as well as our other district schools and athletics.
- Did you know that every parent or guardian of a student at Unity East is a member of our PTO? The East PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) meets the first Tuesday of each month in the library at East. All are welcome to help plan and discuss the upcoming events at our school!
- A letter was emailed out with information about the Raptor visitor management system now in use at each district building. Visitors who wish to enter the school beyond the office must present an ID, such as a Driver’s License, in order to receive a visitor’s badge.
- Several students at East have severe peanut/nut allergies. To reduce the risk of exposure, all classrooms at East are peanut/nut free. Please do not send any products containing peanuts or nuts for snacks or classroom parties. Students may still bring items in their lunch with peanut or nut products. Please review the attached letter, then sign and return the slip of paper.
- Unity East is excited to host Girls on the Run, an afterschool program for girls in grades 3-5. The program will begin Sept. 3, with afterschool practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 10 weeks. For more information or to register, visit www.girlsontherunofchampaigncounty.org
- Fall Pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 12. Picture information packets and order forms will be sent home with students in early September.
- Rocket Fridays: Each Friday Unity East celebrates school spirit by wearing our Rockets gear. First quarter we also have our homecoming spirit days September 16-20. See the calendar on back for details of what students are invited to wear each day.
- Part of our back-to-school routine at East is practicing our safety plans for every type of emergency. Over the course of the year, we will conduct three evacuation drills, a tornado/shelter drill, a bus evacuation drill, and our annual law enforcement drill to practice responding to an intruder or other threat in our building. More information will be sent home regarding the law enforcement drill scheduled for September 25.
- Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, October 24, 3:00-9:30pm. Sign-up links will be emailed out and posted on the school website the first week of October.
- Looking ahead to October, our Halloween Parade and classroom parties will be held on Oct.31 from 1:45-2:45pm. More information will be sent home in early October.
We are looking forward to a great year at East!
-Mr. Carver, Principal