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Dear Unity East Families,

I hope you are enjoying your summer and looking forward to a new school year!  

  • Information was mailed out today (Friday, 7/22) with paper copies of the following information, as well as a paper copy of our supply list
  • Our district has moved to a new student information system, TeacherEase, that allows for online registration. Please check your email on July 29 for information and directions of how to register online. 
  • Online registration opens on July 29.

If you are unable to complete your registration online or have a new student (including incoming Kindergarten students) please schedule an appointment to visit the school. 

Appointments can be scheduled using the link on the school website , or by calling the school office (which re-opens on Friday, July 29).

Whether your child is returning or new to our school, we hope everyone can join us at our Back-to-School Open House the evening of August 15, from 5:30-7:00pm. It will be a fun evening to meet teachers, drop off supplies, and enjoy seeing our school community.

We are looking forward to a great new year with our students and families! 

In Partnership,

Jim Carver, Principal

Unity East Elementary

Please review the following parent information for the 2022-2023 school year


Families with returning students should complete registration online. All students must register and pay fees.

Families with new students (including incoming Kindergarten students) will need to schedule an appointment to complete registration paperwork and Kindergarten screenings. In-person registration appointments will be held on August 2 & 3 at Unity East. 

Students at other schools in the district should follow their school’s registration directions. 


Registration links, supply lists, calendars, and the online payment option are all available on the school website, www.unityeastelementary.com, under the "Registration" link. 


All registration fees can be paid online or by check or cash at the school. You do not need to make an appointment to pay in-person at the school. 

  • Checks for the book rental, meal, or milk fees are issued payable to Unit 7 Schools.

  • If paying by check, please place your payment in a labeled envelope.

Fees include the following:

All Students     Book Rental Fee $145

Grades K and 1    Milk Break (Optional) $52/year

Please note that all fees from SY 2021-2022 must be paid to register for the new school year. 

Free & Reduced Lunch Program

If you believe you may be eligible or even if you are unsure, please complete the application for free or reduced lunches. The application is available to complete online or can be filled out at the school.   

  • Students who qualify for Free have the $145 book rental and $52 milk break fees waived.

  • This information is kept strictly confidential.

Breakfast and Lunch

Payment for breakfast and lunch can be completed online through Mealtime, our online payment system, or sent to school with your child. 

Checks for breakfast and lunch are made payable to Unit 7 Schools. Breakfast, lunch, and milk money may be sent on the first day of school.  

Prices: Breakfast = $1.80; Lunch = $3.00; Milk = 40¢. 

For families that qualify for reduced prices, Breakfast = 30¢; Lunch = 40¢; Milk = free

School Nurse and Health Related Information

Returning students submit health information through the online registration. If there are significant health-related changes, please contact the school to speak with the school nurse. The school nurse is available during registration by appointment. 

Class Lists

Class assignments will be available after registration is completed. Class lists will be emailed to parents on Friday, August 5 at 2pm.

Transportation (First Student Bus Company)

If your child will be riding a bus to or from school, please share this information on the student enrollment form. First Student can be contacted at (217) 903-4013.

YMCA After School Program

The YMCA After-School program is for students in grades K-5 and is held from dismissal until 6:00pm on school days.  Information is available in the school office and on the registration website. A representative from the YMCA can be reached by calling (217) 359-9622. 

Preschool Program

Our district is a member of the RCCSEC SPECTRUM Program, which offers a free, grant-funded preschool program for children three to five years of age. Your child must qualify for this program through a screening process before they are able to register. 

More information is available on the Pre-K Program page of the school website. 

For questions or interest, contact Samantha Pettry, Pre-K Coordinator, at (217) 892-8877, Ext. 113, or through email at pettrys@rccsec.org

Important Dates

Tuesday, August 2 

Registration from 12-7pm at Unity East

Wednesday, August 3 

Registration from 8am-2pm at Unity East

Monday, August 15 

Back-to-School Open House - 5:30-7:30pm at Unity East

  • Meet your child’s teacher

  • Bring school supplies to drop off in classrooms

  • Celebrate the start of a new school year!

Wednesday, August 17 

First day for 1st - 5th grade students (full day of attendance). 

Kindergarten conferences from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  Signups available after registration. 

Thursday, August 18 

Kindergarten conferences from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  Signups available after registration. 

Friday, August 19 

First day for Kindergarten

Looking Ahead

August 29 Fall Picture Day

September 5 Labor Day - No School

September 7 East Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting; 6:30pm

September 30 Teacher Institute  (Students not in attendance)

October 5 PTO Meeting; 6:30pm

October 7 School Improvement Day & Homecoming  (Dismissal at 11:15am)

October 10 Columbus Day – No School

October 14 End of 1st Quarter

October 20 School Improvement Day (Dismissal at 11:15am)

Parent/Teacher Conferences; 3:00-9:30pm

October 21 No School