Daily Bulletin
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Happy Birthday today:
Tonight’s Events: Soccer vs. Central Catholic HS, 4:30
Fr Football vs Olympia HS 6 pm
Activity Period:
Juniors and Seniors: The following colleges will be visiting soon. Sign up in the Guidance Office. October 2nd: McKendree University; October 4th: Parkland College / Parkland Pathway to U of I. Students: Please remember to renew your library books. Any fines will be waived until September 30th; after that fines will start accumulating.
Anyone interested in purchasing a Unity Rockets Fellowship of Christian Athletes t-shirt, please see Coach Davis. Shirts are $12. The order deadline has changed to Wednesday, October 2nd.
On Monday, September 30th the Guidance Department will be hosting a Financial Aid Night at 6 pm in the Media Center. Seniors and their parents are encouraged to attend to learn more about paying for college.
Unity Day 2019, a day put on by the National Bullying Prevention Center and devoted to uniting together for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion, will take place on Wednesday, October 23. In an effort to show hope and support for kindness in our schools and communities, please help cover Unit Seven orange. To purchase your orange Unity Day apparel, sign up and pay in the office from now until October 4. T-shirt pick-up will be in the Rocket Center on Thursday, October 17 from 3-5 and Monday, October 21 from 5-7. Short sleeve shirts are only $8, and you must pay when you order. For other apparel, check out https://www.gamedayspirit.com and browse keyword Unity day.
If anyone would like a souvenir ticket from 2019 Homecoming, they are available in the office.
Next week, Student Council will be selling Pura Vida bracelets during lunch. The cost is $6 each, and they are maroon, grey, and white. Be sure to get one before we run out!
A light breakfast and drinks will be provided FCA will have a meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7:15 am in the Drivers’ Ed room. We would love to see you there.