Daily Bulletin
Monday, March 4 2024
Happy Birthday Today: (none)
Today’s Events: (none)
Activity Period: Tuesday-FCCLA
The Illinois Science Assessment will take place this Wednesday, March 6. All juniors will take the test. It will last from 8:30 - 11:30. Students with A lunch will eat their food in the gym during the B lunch period and then join their 4th hour class during 4C. The other two groups will follow their normal schedule from 4B on. Please make sure to charge your chromebooks Tuesday night, so that you have full battery Wednesday morning for this assessment. Thanks!
The PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, and SAT will take place on Wednesday, April 10. Originally, we scheduled the tests on different days, spanning from April 9-April 11. That is no longer the case. All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will test on April 10th. Seniors won't attend that day.
Congratulations to the Unity Science Olympiad team, taking 8th place overall at regionals on Saturday! The rockets launched, built, studied and tested their way to success, placing in 12 events! Congratulations to all of our “Rocket” scientists!”
This past Saturday, Unity Vocal Rush took home Grand Champs, best vocals, best choreography, and People's Choice at Glenwood the Event for the second year in a row! Congratulations UVR!