Daily Bulletin Friday, August 21, 2020 Happy Birthday: Jonah Sullivan, Riley Fitzgerald, Ethan Reifsteck Saturday: Maddie Moore, Kurtis Benedict, Jared Cross, Jordan Cross Sunday: Mike Gray, Ava Holladay Today’s Events: Activity Period: Monday-Yearbook; Tuesday-FCCLA Anyone interested in Girls’ track & field, there will be a meeting on Wednesday, August 26th in the auditorium at 8 am during Homeroom. Students....picture day is Tuesday, August 25th. You and your parent/guardian should have received an email with the order form. Anyone interested in Yearbook should come to a meeting Monday, August 24th during Homeroom in the Auditorium. Are you interested in becoming a leader in your community? FCCLA may be for you! Come to our first meeting on August 25th at 7:45 to find out more! Hope to see you there! Attention students who took Industrial Arts classes last Spring: If you left any projects or clothing in Mr. Anderson's room over Spring break, you can come get them all next week. After Friday of next week, the items will be discarded. Football shirts are in and can be picked up outside the locker room after school. Students: Don’t forget next week is “B” Week. Monday morning we will start with 0 hour. Unity Rockets-you have done a great job these first 3 days of our new way of attending school. Enjoy your weekend and we will see you Monday! | |

Daily Bulletin
August 21, 2020