Please check your parent email or visit www.ujhs.com for an updated message from Mr. Larson.
Please read your email for details about UJHS's first ever Back to School Night. Links to sign up ONE parent and student are listed below.
Sixth grade team signup - Fourth hour teacher https://signup.com/go/aDOZLEc
Seventh grade team signup - First hour teacher https://signup.com/go/symuiaf
Eighth grade team signup - Third hour teacher https://signup.com/go/jyWPWfC
Please read your email for a message from Mr. Larson concerning CUSD #7 2021-2022 Plan for Safe Return to In-School Instruction and Continuity of Services
UJHS students who have are taking school chromebooksfor remote learning sessions at 1:30-2 should bring their chargers and cases to school tomorro.
All UJHS library books are due tomorrow. Please bring your UJHS library books with you to school tomorrow!
Dear Parents
Our district nurses are exploring the option of providing a COVID19 vaccine clinic for Unity students 12 and older. Please complete the survey at our website as soon as possible so they can determine how many people may be interested in attending the clinic. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Please read May Updates under News
State testing continues to tomorrow. Please bring headphones or earbuds, two pencils, two AR books and fully charged device.
State testing begins tomorrow for UJHS students. Please remember to bring headphones or earbuds, two pencils, two AR books, and fully charged device
Parents: UJHS April Updates can be found in your email. Please take time to read this.
Parents: Please read your email for a message from Mr. Larson concerning UJHS.
UJHS third quarter report cards were sent home today with students.
Please read your email for a message from Mr. Larson concerning UJHS.
UJHS Parents: Please read your email for a message from Mr. Larson.
UJHS Parents: Please complete 5Essential parent survey. Here is the link: http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/. Details in parent emails from March 5.
UJHS dismisses at 12:30 today. No remote learning today.
A friendly reminder that during eLearning for inclement weather days student attendance is required. If your student cannot participate in eLearning today please email UJHS attendance secretary, Krista Moore at moorek@unity.k12.il.us. Please provide your child’s first and last name with the reason for absence just as you would on regular school day. Please email Mrs. Moore for attendance only.
Teachers are communicating with students by way of Google Classroom. Teachers can also be reached through email. Students should start with their first class of the day.
Expectations for the day are posted in News at ujhs.com.
Have a happy and safe winter day!
Parents: Inclement Weather Plan is posted on the UJHS main page under news and has been sent in email.
Please read your email for an announcement from Mr. Larson concerning UJHS.
Unit Seven Schools has made the decision that February parent-teacher conferences will be held virtually this fall. Parent-teacher conference night is February 25, 2021 from 3:00-9:30 pm. UJHS is offering virtual team meetings at each grade. We believe that this will provide an efficient means of optimizing conference time for parents who want to meet with more than one teacher at a grade level.
If you wish to sign up for the team meeting option, please visit www.ujhs.com. The Parent-Teacher Conference link is listed under Parent Resources. Please use the sign up by 4:00 pm on Friday, February 12. You will be sent a Google Meets invitation via your email on February 22 from Mrs. Fitzgerald if you choose the virtual team meeting option. Beginning February 16, parents who wish to schedule a phone conference time with an individual teacher only may do so by directly emailing teachers. Teachers will then return the email with a designated time for a phone conference on February 25 during the 3:00 pm-9:30 pm time frame. See the website under News for complete details.