Check out UJHS Virtual Open House!
Cross Country Pictures on Friday at 4:00. Order online at inter-state.com/order. Cross country pre-pay online ordering code is 51766TA
Welcome back, UJHS Rockets! Bring your schedule with you (if your have it.) Remember your signed COVID-19 Symptom Free Parent Certification sheet, your earbuds, and a water bottle. Mask required - You've got this!
Go to UJHS and under News see our Welcome Back Video.
Bus information is now available under Parent Documents.
Please be sure to have your student login to his/her email account, so the first day of school will be a great experience. If your student has forgotten the password, please contact Mrs. Wickline at wicklinek@unity.k12.il.us.
UJHS Back to School Information from Mrs. Fitzgerald can be found under Documents and then Parent Documents. Parents: this was also sent to your email.
Our new daily time schedule is posted under Documents and then click Parents Documents. Parents--this was also sent to your email.
Parents: Please send your student to school on the first day with COVID certification paper filled out. You will find this document in your email or click Documents and then click Parent Documents.
Returning families: Today is the last day of school registration. We need registration information to help us make decisions for the coming school year. Please take time to register online today. If you are unable to register online, please sign up for an in-person appointment today. Please call the school office at 217-485-6735 if you need assistance. All information is posted at www.ujhs.com under the Registration link.
Fall athletic information for UJHS is posted on the District website and on the UJHS website.
Please read your email if your student is interested in participating in fall sports.
Registration is now open for the 2020-2021 school year. Click here!
UJHS Registration reminders were sent to parent/guardian emails today. Please visit www.ujhs.com for detailed information. Thank you!
Change in fall sports: Please read your email for a message from Mr. Hamilton concerning a change in fall sports plans.
UJHS’s Return to School Plan is now available and is posted under News on the UJHS website. Also, it has been sent to parent/guardian's email addresses.
Registration Information has been posted under News at the UJHS website.
From Mr. Hamilton: we received news that the IESA has cancelled junior high baseball, cross country and softball for this fall. Please read your email for full details.
Please visit the UJHS webpage for the registration information for the 2020-2021 school year.
Dear UJHS Families, please see the following with more information about our back-to-school plan.
• Teachers and administrators are creating a detailed plan to describe the format and expectations of remote learning for students who do not attend in-person. The remote learning plan will be provided on July 31 so that families are fully-informed before making their enrollment decision.
• UJHS students who attend school in-person from 8:20am-12:30pm will have completed 4 hours 10 minutes of the required 5 daily clock hours. The additional 50 minutes of the school day will be provided through remote guided instruction during the 1:00-3:00 pm time frame. This will be explained in our school plan on July 31,
• UJHS families will be surveyed regarding technology needs during registration. Students who lack access to technology for completion of remote instruction at home will be given the opportunity to checkout school Chromebooks.
• Grab and go breakfast/lunch at UJHS: School breakfast/lunch is available for purchase. Students who qualify for free breakfast/lunch will not be charged. Students who qualify for reduced breakfast/lunch will be able to purchase meals based on the reduced rate. School lunch prices will be available with registration information.
Unit 7 families please follow this link to the CUSD Reopening Plan: https://5il.co/ieij