Book Fair starts Wednesday
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
Shop our online book fair at! Your purchases support our students!
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
11:30 Dismissal on Thursday and Parent/Teacher conferences start at 3:00 on Thursday.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
First Quarter ends Friday.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
AR points are due on Wednesday
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
No School for students on Friday (Teacher Institute) and no school on Monday for everyone
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
11:30 Dismissal Friday with the Homecoming Parade at 12:00
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
Cross Country pictures have been moved to Friday, Sept. 20. Softball and Baseball pictures are after school today.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
Student Council invites all UJHS students to the Fall Dance on Friday from 3-5. The cost is $2 and concessions will be available.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
MAP Testing start tomorrow.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
No school on Monday-Labor Day.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
Triple S (Super Service Squad) meets in the library at 7:30 on Friday. They meet every Friday before school to serve our school, our community, and our world.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
Picture Day is tomorrow. SMILE!
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
Triple S (Super Service Squad) meets in the library at 7:30 on Friday. They meet every Friday before school to serve our school, our community, and our world.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
Open House at 6:30 on Thursday
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
First Day of School on August 19! Looking forward to a great school year at UJHS.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
Registration begins Monday, Aug. 5 from 12 -7 pm.
over 5 years ago, Laura Fitzgerald
AR testing at Unity West today from 9-11
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline
AR testing at Unity West today from 9-11
over 5 years ago, Kathy Wickline