Book Fair starts Wednesday
Shop our online book fair at https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/homepage.do?method=homepage&url=ujhs! Your purchases support our students!
11:30 Dismissal on Thursday and Parent/Teacher conferences start at 3:00 on Thursday.
Sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences at https://www.ujhs.com/o/unity-junior-high-school/page/parent-teacher-conferences--18
First Quarter ends Friday.
AR points are due on Wednesday
No School for students on Friday (Teacher Institute) and no school on Monday for everyone
11:30 Dismissal Friday with the Homecoming Parade at 12:00
Cross Country pictures have been moved to Friday, Sept. 20. Softball and Baseball pictures are after school today.
Student Council invites all UJHS students to the Fall Dance on Friday from 3-5. The cost is $2 and concessions will be available.
MAP Testing start tomorrow.
No school on Monday-Labor Day.
Triple S (Super Service Squad) meets in the library at 7:30 on Friday. They meet every Friday before school to serve our school, our community, and our world.
Picture Day is tomorrow. SMILE!
Triple S (Super Service Squad) meets in the library at 7:30 on Friday. They meet every Friday before school to serve our school, our community, and our world.
Open House at 6:30 on Thursday
First Day of School on August 19! Looking forward to a great school year at UJHS.
Registration begins Monday, Aug. 5 from 12 -7 pm.
AR testing at Unity West today from 9-11
AR testing at Unity West today from 9-11