Unity West Families, Friday will be an eLearning Day. Students will not attend school in person. Instead of having a traditional snow day, students have had work sent home to complete and some students will have an online curriculum to work on as well. Attendance will be taken based on work completion. Students can turn in work when they return to school. This will be considered a work day for teachers and staff, so they will be available to support your students. They will send out a morning email with expectations for work completion and times they will be available online when possible or by email.
almost 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
almost 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, Wednesday and Thursday will be eLearning Days. Students will not attend school in person. Instead of having a traditional snow day, students have had work sent home to complete and some students will have an online curriculum to work on as well. Attendance will be taken based on work completion. Students can turn in work when they return to school. This will be considered a work day for teachers and staff, so they will be available to support your students. They will send out a morning email with expectations for work completion and times they will be available online when possible or by email.
almost 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, you can now sign up for a Parent-Teacher Conference! The Conferences are scheduled for February 24th, from 3:00pm-9:30pm. https://www.unitywestelementary.com/parent-teacher-conference-sign-up--2
almost 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, we will have our cold weather car pick up procedure today. At 2:45, we will dismiss all bus students. We will then have everyone pull through the bus lane and call for students to come out as parents arrive. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Lunch Change for Friday 1/21. Corn Dogs will now be served instead of Grilled Cheese.
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, we are wanting to gather interest in those would would be interested in Unity hosting a vaccine booster clinic for those 12 years and older. Please follow the link to the survey https://forms.gle/vmXEFM462VF8n9M17
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
West Families, in an update from West Weekly the lunch on 1/18 will be a Pizza Lunchable.
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly! Please take note of the car pick up procedure during dismissal for the rest of this week. https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, Unit 7 Schools will remain under the same Covid protocols we were operating under prior to break. We look forward to seeing our students tomorrow.
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, just a reminder that school resumes tomorrow. The doors to the building are unlocked at 7:40 am for students to enter.
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, we just wanted to remind you that we will dismiss at 2:05 today. School will resume on Monday, January 3rd. Have a safe and happy holiday break!
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, please follow the link at the end to view the Holiday Concert Performances. Tomorrow will be Pajama Day at Unity West, and we will dismiss at 2:05. Tomorrow's lunch will be a Pizza Lunchable. Have a great holiday break! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/unity-west-holiday-concert
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, we will utilize our Rainy Day Dismissal plan today. At 2:45 all bus riders will be dismissed. We will then use the bus lane only for cars, and call each student as their ride arrives. Please pull as far down as you can in the bus lane when directed and stay in your car.
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, please follow the link to this week's West Weekly! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
about 3 years ago, Floyd Fisher