Tuesday's lunch at Unity West will be Chicken Patty/Bun instead of the scheduled Pork Patty/Bun.
Unity West Families, unfortunately it is starting to rain outside. We will implement our rainy day dismissal procedure. We ask that you do not arrive for car pick up until 1:35. Car riders will not be dismissed until the bus lane is clear.
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly!
Unity West Families, just a reminder that tomorrow is the deadline to order yearbooks. You can order a yearbook online at ybpay.lifetouch.com with Yearbook ID Code: 13565621.
Unity West Families, Please check your email for a message from Superintendent Larson. Also, as a reminder, we will be on Spring Break next week. Thank you
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
Unity West Families a reminder Spring Pictures will be Wednesday March 10th. A flier should went home with your student last week. You can also order at mylifeouch.com using Picture Day ID: EVTHRR4WW.
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
Unity West Families, you can find the March Lunch Menu by following this link https://5il.co/q2ai
Unity West Families, just a reminder that Monical's of Tolono is donating 20% of your bill tonight to the Unity West PTO when you show the flyer found here https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1129399/UnityWestPTO.pdf
Unity West Families, please follow the link for this week's West Weekly! https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
Unity West Families, Tuesday's hot lunch will be Corn Dogs!
Unity West Families, due to circumstances beyond our control we have had to make some lunch menu changes. Monday: Cheese Cups and Nacho Chips, Tuesday: TBA, Wednesday: Pizza Lunchable.
Unity West Families, please check your email for a message from Superintendent Larson.
Unity West Families, We will use our inclement weather dismissal today beginning at 1:35 for car riders. Please refer to this week's West Weekly https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly about dismissal and why we do not want cars arriving until 1:35.
Unity West Families,
Please check your email for a message from Superintendent Larson.
Unity West Families, we will be implementing our inclement/cold weather dismissal today. Please do not arrive before 1:35. Students will only be dismissed from the bus lane, with dismissals beginning after the last bus leaves. If you arrive prior to 1:35 and park in the regular pick up line, you will need to go to the end of the line and pick up in the bus lane. It is for the safety of the students and staff that we will only dismiss from the bus lane. If someone else picks up your child(ren), please notify them of this dismissal procedure and to not arrive prior to 1:35.
Unity West Families, we will have our regular dismissal today, to prevent back up on the road, please do not show up until 1:30 as all students will not be out until 1:35. Please follow the link for this week's West Weekly https://www.unitywestelementary.com/west-weekly
Unity West Families, we will be implementing our inclement weather dismissal today. Please do not arrive before 1:35. Students will only be dismissed from the bus lane, with dismissals beginning after the last bus leaves. If you arrive prior to 1:35 and park in the regular pick up line, you will need to go to the end of the line and pick up in the bus lane. It is for the safety of the students and staff that we will only dismiss from the bus lane. If someone else picks up your child(ren), please notify them of this dismissal procedure and to not arrive prior to 1:35.
Unity West Families, we’ve had a concern from the highway department regarding the cars on the road during afternoon pick-up. Students are not dismissed until 1:30 and students are not out of the building until 1:35. To help eliminate traffic parking on the road, we are requesting parents not show up at the school until 1:30. On a typical day, all students are picked up by 1:42, so the whole dismissal process is only 7 minutes once all the students are out of the building. If we have an inclement weather dismissal, we ask that parents not arrive until 1:35 so all cars can use the bus lane. This will help us keep all students safe and not cross through traffic.